Sentiment Analysis Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) of ChatGPT Application Users in Play Store


  • Muthia Sakhdiah Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Admi Salma
  • Dony Permana
  • Dina Fitria



ChatGPT Application, Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Support Vector Machine (SVM)


The ChatGPT application is an Articial Intelligence (AI) technology that responds to conversations in form text and voice messages, and is accessible via smartphones or computers. The ChatGPT provides answers and solutions related to the problems asked, the speed and complexity of the answers are also added values of this application. However, there are negative impacts, one of which is the vulnerability of scientific papers to plagiarism. Because of this, there are many reviews from the community that assess this application. These reviews can be seen on the Play Store which can be a reference before downloading the ChatGPT application. How the community responds can be seen through sentiment analysis, which will classify positive and negative assessments. Making it easier for companies to evaluate products. Then classification is carried out using Support Vector Machine (SVM), the classification model obtained is used to classify user reviews of the ChatGPT application. The results showed an accuracy of 93.9% with a linear kernel, and the sentiment of people who use the ChatGPT application is more positive.



How to Cite

Muthia Sakhdiah, Admi Salma, Dony Permana, & Dina Fitria. (2024). Sentiment Analysis Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) of ChatGPT Application Users in Play Store. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 2(2), 151–158.

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