Markov Chain Model Application for Rainfall Pattern in Padang City


  • haniyathul husna mahasiswa statistika unp
  • Dony Permana Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Nonong Amalita Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Fadhilah Fitri Universitas Negeri Padang



Markov Chain, Rainfall, Stochastic


Rainfall is a natural phenomenon that includes climate variables and is observed every time in every place. Daily rainfall data is a time series data, which is random. It is a data transfer from one time to another which can be expressed as a state of light, medium, heavy or very heavy rainfall intensity. Rainfall prediction is needed for people's lives and supports the economy. In addition, rainfall prediction is an anticipation of prevention if high rain intensity will occur in a long time. One of the rainfall prediction methods that can be used is the stochastic process approach. Markov chain is part of the stochastic process that can be used for prediction of rainfall at the present time based on one previous time. The focus of this research is the application of Markov Chains for rainfall prediction. Through Markov chains, long-term opportunities for rainfall phenomena are obtained. This study will look at the rainfall pattern of Padang City using Markov chains and also to predict rainfall in Padang City. The results of predicting the weather conditions of Padang City with any rainfall conditions today are 36.9% for the chance of no rain tomorrow, 46% for the chance of light rain tomorrow, 10% for the chance of moderate rain tomorrow, 5.3% for the chance of heavy rain tomorrow, and 1.8% for the chance of very heavy rain tomorrow.The results of this study are expected to be a recommendation for parties directly involved in taking preventive measures due to rainfall.



How to Cite

haniyathul husna, Dony Permana, Nonong Amalita, & Fadhilah Fitri. (2024). Markov Chain Model Application for Rainfall Pattern in Padang City. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 2(3), 257–264.