K-means Cluster Analysis in Grouping Districts/Cities in West Sumatra Province Based on Types of Violence Against Women 2023


  • Latifah Jayatri Febiola Departemen Statistika, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Fadhilah Fitri Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Fenni Kunia Mutiya Universitas Negeri Padang




Violence against women, K-means Clustering, cluster analysis, West Sumatra.


Violence against women is a serious social issue and a violation of human rights. Women are often vulnerable to violence, whether physical, psychological, or sexual, which negatively impacts their physical and mental health. To understand the distribution of violence cases against women in West Sumatra Province, an analytical method is needed to classify regions based on the number of reported cases. K-Means Clustering is one of the clustering analysis methods used to group districts/cities based on similarities in the number of violence cases. This study aims to classify districts/cities in West Sumatra based on the number of female violence victims using the K-Means Clustering algorithm. The optimal number of clusters was determined using the silhouette method, resulting in three clusters. Cluster 3 has the highest average number of physical and sexual violence cases, consisting of four districts/cities: Solok Regency, Lima Puluh Kota, Solok City, and Payakumbuh City. Cluster 2 represents areas with a moderate level of violence, dominated by psychological abuse, and consists of five districts/cities. Meanwhile, Cluster 1 comprises ten districts/cities with the lowest recorded violence cases. This classification provides insight into the regional distribution of violence against women in West Sumatra, identifying areas that require more attention. The findings suggest that the government should prioritize regions with high levels of violence through stricter law enforcement, the provision of support services for victims, gender equality campaigns, and increased awareness of women's rights



How to Cite

Febiola, L. J., Fadhilah Fitri, & Fenni Kunia Mutiya. (2025). K-means Cluster Analysis in Grouping Districts/Cities in West Sumatra Province Based on Types of Violence Against Women 2023. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 3(1), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.24036/ujsds/vol3-iss1/344