Comparison of Distance Function in K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm to Predict Prospective Customers in Term Deposit Subscriptions


  • Muhammad Tibri Syofyan Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Nonong Amalita
  • Dodi Vionanda
  • Dina Fitria



classification, data mining, distance function, k-nearest neighbor, term deposit,


Data mining is often used to analysis of the big data to obtain new useful information that will be used in the future. One of the best algorithms in data mining is K-Nearest Neighbor (KKN). K-NN classifier is a distance-based classification algorithm. The distance function is a core component in measuring the distance or similarity between the tested data and the training data. Various measure of distance function exist make this a topic of kind literature problems to determining the best distance function for the performance of the K-NN classifier. This study aims to compare which distance function produces the best K-NN performance. The distance function to be compared is the Manhattan distance and Minkowski distance. The application of K-NN classifier using bank dataset about predict prospective customers in Term Deposit Subscriptions. This study show that Minkowski distance on K-NN algorithm achieved the best result compared to Manhattan distance. Minkowski distance with power p = 1.5 produces an accuracy rate of 88.40% when the K value is 7. Thus, performance of K-NN algorithm using Minkowski distance (p=1,5, K=7) is best algorithm in predicting prospective costumers in Term Deposit Subscription



How to Cite

Muhammad Tibri Syofyan, Nonong Amalita, Dodi Vionanda, & Dina Fitria. (2023). Comparison of Distance Function in K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm to Predict Prospective Customers in Term Deposit Subscriptions. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 1(3), 105–111.

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