Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering Analysis for Sectoral Potential Gross Regional Domestic Product in West Sumatera


  • Syifa Nabilah Wandira Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Zilrahmi
  • Syafriandi Syafriandi
  • Fadhilah Fitri




Gross Regional Domestic Product, Cluster Analysis, Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering


Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is the sum of the added value of all goods and services produced or produced in an area that arises as a result of various economic activities in a certain period. Each region certainly has its own advantages and potential, such as in sectors or business fields. GRDP inequality occurs due to differences in geographical conditions and natural resources in each region. The method that can be used to overcome this inequality is cluster analysis. Cluster analysis can group data objects that have the same characteristics so that the inequality that occurs can be seen from the clusters formed. Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering is a clustering method using fuzzy logic which gives a geographic effect to each cluster so that it can better describe the actual cluster situation. The results of  research obtained 3 optimum clusters with different characteristics. Cluster 1 has high potential, cluster 2 has low potential and cluster 3 has medium potential in forming GRDP.



How to Cite

Syifa Nabilah Wandira, Zilrahmi, Syafriandi Syafriandi, & Fadhilah Fitri. (2023). Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering Analysis for Sectoral Potential Gross Regional Domestic Product in West Sumatera. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 1(5), 405–412. https://doi.org/10.24036/ujsds/vol1-iss5/109

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