Impelementation of Subtractive Fuzzy C-Means Method in Clustering Provinces in Indonesia Based on Factors Causing Stunting in Toddlers


  • Hariati Ainun Nisa Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Admi Salma
  • Dodi Vionanda
  • Tessy Octavia Mukhti



Stunting, Cluster Analysis, Subtractive Fuzzy C-Means, Silhouette Coefficient Index


Indonesia in 2022 has a stunting rate that is still relatively high at 21.6%. For this reason, it is necessary to make various efforts to reduce the stunting rate. One of the efforts that can be made is to understand the characteristics of each province in Indonesia with cluster analysis. This study aims to cluster provinces in Indonesia based on factors that cause stunting in children under five. The method used is Subtractive Fuzzy C-Means which has advantages in terms of speed, iteration, thus producing more stable and accurate results. The results of the validity test with Silhouette Coefficient Index, the optimum number of clusters is 8 clusters with a radius (r) of 0.70. There are 8 provinces that have provided maximum handling and efforts in reducing stunting rates, namely the provinces of Bangka Belitung Islands, Riau Islands, DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Bali, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. Meanwhile, 7 provinces namely East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, and West Papua, still need special attention from the government in reducing stunting rates based on the factors that cause stunting discussed in this study.



How to Cite

Hariati Ainun Nisa, Admi Salma, Dodi Vionanda, & Tessy Octavia Mukhti. (2024). Impelementation of Subtractive Fuzzy C-Means Method in Clustering Provinces in Indonesia Based on Factors Causing Stunting in Toddlers. UNP Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 2(2), 165–172.

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